Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's the small things

So in the midst of a crazy season - when I find myself flying down the freeway of life at breakneck speeds - it's then that I realize - it's the little things that matter.

Tonight my 7 year old daughter made her own Barbie Monopoly. Each property was defined by places or things that make sense in her little world. Property #1 - "Hannah Montana Van" - this is her most prized possession. It's big, purple, hideously ugly and by far the most enticing toy she owns. So it makes sense that it would be property #1!

Her other properties included Walmart & Costco (which I believe we spend entirely too much time at), Virginia City (a local town that is by far the biggest tourist attraction to the 'wild west' set), and in place of Broadway and Park Place were the "Swim Center" and "Waterslide".

It could have been so easy to overlook the value of this board game created by 4 1/4 sheets of binder paper all taped, stapled and glued together.

But the star of this story - as much as it may seem like my daughter - is my husband. He is the one who pointed out that this game was a keeper, that this game was a reflection of our 7 year old's little world. And in doing that - he caused me to take a moment to really pay attention, to come up for air, and just take a look at my surroundings. And while it was a small thing - to suggest we keep this made up board game - it was indeed, a very big thing.

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