Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So I absolutely hate the movie "The Princess Bride" (I know - I can imagine the look on your face - I've seen it a thousand times when I tell someone this)... but in debating what to blog about - what lesson I've learned from life - I couldn't help but think... "Mawwiage..." and even I - being the #1 anti-Princess Bride proponent - had to look it up on youtube.

That's it. There was no actual point this - except the random thought that I had a freakish recall of the Princess bride.

Oh - and for those movie fanatics who are still hyperventilating over someone saying they hate this movie.... I've never seen Star Wars. And I don't ever intend to. Sorry.


  1. Tamy: That's sick. I will pray for you. Now. :-)

  2. How are we friends?? Wait. Have you READ the The Princess Bride?? The book is FANTABULOUS! You should try it, then you could simply say, "I don't like the movie version" and no one would shun you... :)

  3. Love you! As per our conversation earlier, I'm not a huge fan either! ;)
