Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 things I love about ministry

I absolutely love what I do - and here's why:

10. I absolutely love knowing that what I am doing is for the greater good.
It's not a prideful thing - it's not about making my mark. It's about knowing that the blood, sweat and tears (and all the joy too) - matter.

9. I love being in my sweet spot. For 29 years - I really had no idea what I was "good at". I mean I knew I could do this - and do that - but what my genuine gifts and talents were - I had no idea. Then God put me in this ministry role. And I am totally in my sweet spot. I love it! I love giving everything I have to serve Him at the fullest capacity.

8. I love needing God. Being in my sweet spot is a great experience - but the best part of it - is not being able to do it alone. He is regularly giving me new ideas, creativity and ingenuity. And I need it! I pray daily for Him to equip me. Because without His faithfulness to me - I wouldn't be able to do what I do. And I love that!

7. I love being on the team. Unlike in the "business" world - everyone I work with is on the same team. We all follow the same playbook (the Bible) - and we're all in it for the win!

6. I love submission. I do! I love working for leaders who are wise, seek godly counsel, have discernment, and a devotion to God. That means submitting to their authority is a blessing.

5. I love planning. Call me weird - or neurotic - but I love planning. Give me a Plan A, and I'm on board - but know that I'll be working on a Plan B in my head! And in ministry - this can be a great asset.

4. I love seeing other people discover their sweet spot. There is nothing like the overwhelming experience of discovering who/what God created you to be. And in my work - I often get to see people discover it. How awesome is that!

3. I love to have fun. And ministry is fun. In many ways - ministry is a thrill ride. You never know what's coming - it can be exhilarating.

2. I love the accountability. Not one person that I work with will allow me to settle for complacency. I love that when I am wrong - I am lovingly held accountable for it. And I am challenged to put God first in everything. And it shows when I don't - but my ministry family loves me through it - and redirects me when I need it.

1. The number one reason I love ministry... I love people. I love being a part of a team whose focus is to see lives changed. I love getting to hear stories of how God has changed someone's life. I love meeting new people at church and helping them grow roots. I love having the opportunity to put others first.

Notice It's easy is not one of these top 10! It's not. Ministry is hard. It can be very difficult at times, but it doesn't mean I don't love it!


  1. It is so great to see the joy that you get from being in ministry.

  2. I love you!! ;) And serving in ministry together is definitely part of my top 10!
