Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello my name is...

I'm sitting at my 9 year old's swim lessons having a great conversation with another mom about the progress her daughter has made in swimming. We're having a great conversation when about halfway through the lesson another mom walks up to the bench this gal and I are sitting on and although she and I are clearly in a personal conversation - and in the middle of my sentence this other woman turns around and sits down in the 6 inch space between this gal and I.

I was shocked. I mean really - she didn't even bother to excuse herself before sitting right in the middle of our conversation? Odd. Rude. Down right intrusive. Now those who know me will attest my greatest strength is my greatest weakness - and my loudest - my big mouth. I sat back a few inches (she was nearly sitting on my hand) - and said "Excuse me" (Trying to not be rude, but still make a point). And without looking at me she says in a sarcastic tone "Thank you!"
This woman shows up every single day - late. She is not at all friendly. But I can deal with that. Here's where I cringe. She shows up wearing her name tag from work. And I don't mean an entry-level position. She's a professional. It is clear that in her line of work people skills matter. And my first thought is "I would never give her my business". All I know about her is that she has a son in swim lessons and that she is far from flexible, friendly or courteous. Now why would I give someone like that my business?

Now before you get all bent out of shape that all I do is complain on this blog... stop for a moment and hear me out. I am not saying I would not give her my business because she had a momentary lapse of judgment. In the week and a half that I have "known" this woman - the only impressions I have had of her are negative. She is representing the company she works for with this name tag - and this is the impression she leaves on people. That can't be good for business.

So as I sat on the bench - no longer in conversation - with another 15 minutes of humid, loud swim time left for my 9 year old - I had to ask myself - what name tag am I wearing? Who do I claim to represent? As a Christian - I represent God. Do my actions always reflect that? I wouldn't say "Always" - but I hope for the most part they do. I hope those who come in contact with me feel loved on, cared for. Lord - teach me to be an image of grace and love to those you bring into my life. Refine me - so that I may be a reflection of you. Lord I want to be - and for others to see less of me and more of you.

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