Saturday, October 30, 2010


For the past 12 years - I have tried to hide from Halloween. It's evil. Or is it? Years ago, a wonderful friend of mine asked me why "we" (Christians) let the enemy have all the fame and glory on Halloween. Why not reclaim it for Christ? Hmm... what a clever thought!

So for a few years - our family did harvest parties. At churches. Because that's reclaiming the day for Christ right? A church spending copious amounts of money and resources so Christian kids can play games and get loads of candy. Well it may have been reclaiming the day for Christ on the church's behalf - but I have to be honest - it was not on mine. It was a safe hiding place. I never did anything unique or special to give God glory or to share Him with anyone - at these harvest parties.

This year is different, for a few reasons:
  1. Our church isn't hosting a harvest party
    That is the sad truth... our church not hosting a harvest party is the catalyst for change. Nothing I did.
  2. Our kids are older - they have an interest in some of the "creepy stuff"
    We have a 9 year old boy in the house. He owns sweatshirts, shoes, t-shirts and I'm guessing countless toys with skulls and crossbones. So how do I now tell him he can't do a skeleton on his pumpkin. Wait - when did a skeleton become evil anyhow?
  3. God has planted a holy discontentment in my heart.
    After realizing our church wasn't hosting a party - He began to give me a holy discontentment towards my own view of Halloween. He's been teaching me in some subtle and some very direct ways that Halloween provides a unique opportunity to build community in our neighborhood. How many other times a year are you encouraged to go visit neighbors, unannounced and interact with them?
So what are we doing about it? We're going trick or treating! That's right. We're going trick or treating in our neighborhood. We're going to go be a part of our community. And next year - we're going to consider how we can make a difference for Christ - in a way that honors and pleases Him - but speaks the common language of our community. At this brainstorming stage - I am seeing a bounce house, disco ball, Toby Mac on the stereo and some seriously good - high quality candy. We'll be praying about it - seeking His will on how we're going to claim this day for Christ!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

If I had the enthusiasm of barista...

Today I ran through the Starbucks drive-thru (a shock huh!). As the barista served my drink she pointed to a new product:

B: "Have you tried our new [product]"

T: "Yes", I wrinkled my nose (I always forget how expressive I am - until it's too late).

B:"What you didn't like it?" she genuinely continued "Why?"

T: "It tasted like [insert description]" **Note - at this point I was brutally honest about my experience with this product.

The barista was concerned that I'd had a negative experience. I mean really concerned. It was clear she loves this product, and she believes that everyone else will too. And so with all of her enthusiasm she asked me to stay put at the window as she ran off to find a free sample of this product. A moment later she brought the sample back along with a delicious sounding recipe for how to use it. And that's it - I all of a sudden, had a renewed interest in this product. I wanted to dash home and try it out.

This barista went above and beyond in making sure I knew about the product. She was unabashed about encouraging me to try it - and she was genuine in hearing why I didn't like it. There was no pride. My excuse didn't dissuade her from telling me more about it. She even offered me an alternative for the same product.

So it got me thinking... am I like that for Jesus? Now first off - I have to make it very clear. Jesus is everything, He is not just a product! But let's just consider for a moment, the passion held by this barista. And then ask - if she can be that passionate about a coffee shop product - then shouldn't I be a gazillion times (yes that is a real word - I looked it up in the urban dictionary) - as I was saying, shouldn't I be a gazillion times more passionate about Jesus?

I have to ask myself,
  • When is the last time I unabashedly invited someone to church or told them about Jesus?
  • When is the last time someone told me that tried church once and it was [..............] - and I truly listened?
  • When is the last time I took what I heard about their previous experience at church - and offered encouragement for them to try it again - even if it's a different church, a different style but the same Jesus?
  • When was the last time someone left a conversation with me feeling like they were heard? That they were cared for?
  • When was the last time someone saw my passion for Jesus - and they caught it?
Hmmm... looks like I need to take notes from this passionate, unabashed barista. Maybe I'll go back there tomorrow - just for a little observation time... and if I pick up a latte - who can blame me?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So I absolutely hate the movie "The Princess Bride" (I know - I can imagine the look on your face - I've seen it a thousand times when I tell someone this)... but in debating what to blog about - what lesson I've learned from life - I couldn't help but think... "Mawwiage..." and even I - being the #1 anti-Princess Bride proponent - had to look it up on youtube.

That's it. There was no actual point this - except the random thought that I had a freakish recall of the Princess bride.

Oh - and for those movie fanatics who are still hyperventilating over someone saying they hate this movie.... I've never seen Star Wars. And I don't ever intend to. Sorry.